Schoenstein Stop Lists

SCHOENSTEIN & CO. First Presbyterian Church Page 1 of 1 93-1984 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SAN ANSELMO, CALIFORNIA Chancel Organ Two Manual and Pedal Organ 22 Voices – 29 Ranks Electric-Pneumatic Action HAUPTWERK (I) 8' Prinzipal 61 Pipes 8' Rohrbordun (Wood) 61 " 4' Oktave 61 " 22/ 3' Quinte 61 " 2' Kleinoktave 61 " 13/ 5' Terz 61 " 11/ 3' Mixtur (III-IV) 226 " 8' Herald Trumpet (Gallery Organ) EXPRESSIV (II) 8' Gedeckt (Metal) 61 Pipes 8' Spitzflöte (II) 110 " 4' Prinzipal 61 " 4' Spillflöte 61 " 2' Oktave 61 " 11/ 3' Nasat 61 " 1' Scharf (III) 183 " 16' Regal 61 " 8' Schalmey 61 " 4' Klarine 61 " 8' Herald Trumpet (Gallery Organ) Tremulant Unison Off PEDAL 16' Subbass (Wood and Metal) 32 Pipes 8' Spitzoktave 32 " 8' Gedeckt (Expressiv) 4' Choralflöte 32 " 4' Gedeckt (Expressiv) 22/ 3' Rauschmixtur (II Ranks) 64 " 16' Fagott 32 " 4' Regal (Expressiv) COUPLERS Expressiv to Hauptwerk Sub Octave Expressiv to Hauptwerk Hauptwerk to Pedal Expressiv to Pedal MECHANICALS Solid State Capture Combination Action with: ■ 21 Pistons. ■ 2 Reversibles including Full Organ. Crescendo Pedal. NOTE: This instrument is also controlled by the three- manual console of an Æolian-Skinner organ in the Gallery.