Schoenstein Stop Lists

SCHOENSTEIN & CO. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Page 1 of 1 110-1988 THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SAN FRANCISCO STAKE CENTER, SAN BRUNO, CALIFORNIA Two Manual and Pedal Organ 9 Voices – 11 Ranks Electric-Pneumatic Action 1er CLAVIER, GRAND-ORGUE 16' Bourdon (Extend Récit) 12 Pipes 8' Montre 61 " 8' Flûte harmonique (Prepared) 8' Salicional (Récit) 8' Bourdon (Récit) 4' Prestant 61 " 2' Plein jeu (III) 183 " Grand-Orgue 4' 2e CLAVIER, RÉCIT EXPRESSIF 8' Bourdon 61 Pipes 8' Salicional (From Unda-Maris) 8' Unda-Maris (II) 110 " 4' Flûte octaviante 61 " 2⅔' Nazard (Prepared) 2' Octavin 61 " 8' Basson 61 " 8' Clarinette (Prepared) Tremolo Récit 16' Récit 4' Récit Annulation 8' CLAVIER DE PÉDALES 16' Soubasse (Grand-Orgue) 8' Basse (Prepared) 8' Bourdon (Récit) 4' Flûte (Prepared) 16' Basson (Extend Récit) 12 " 8' Basson (Récit) ACOUPLEMENT Récit/Grand-Orgue 16' Récit/Grand-Orgue 8' Récit/Grand-Orgue 4' Grand-Orgue/Pédales 8' Grand-Orgue/Pédales 4' Récit/Pédales 8' Récit/Pédales 4' MECHANICALS Solid State Capture Combination Action with: ■ 5 Memories. ■ 15 Pistons. ■ 2 Reversibles including Full Organ. Crescendo Pedal.