Schoenstein Stop Lists

SCHOENSTEIN & CO. First Church of Christ, Congregational Page 1 of 2 148-2004 FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, CONGREGATIONAL GLASTONBURY, CONNECTICUT Three Manual and Pedal Organ 25 Voices – 31 Ranks Electric-Pneumatic Action GREAT (II - Expressive) 16' Corno Dolce 12 Pipes 8' Open Diapason 61 " 8' Harmonic Flute (Corno Dolce Bass)42 " 8' Gamba (Swell) 8' Bourdon 61 " 8' Corno Dolce 61 " 8' Flute Celeste (TC) 49 " 4' Principal 61 " 4' Gedeckt 12 " 2' Fifteenth 61 " 2' Mixture (IV) 201 " 8' Tuba (Swell) 8' Clarinet 61 " Tremulant Great Unison Off SWELL (III - Expressive) 16' Bourdon 12 Pipes 8' Open Diapason 61 " 8' Stopped Diapason 61 " 8' Salicional 73 " 8' Flute Celeste (II - Great) 4' Gemshorn 61 " 4' Chimney Flute 61 " 4' Flute Celeste (II - Great) 22/ 3' Twelfth (TC - From Nineteenth) 22/ 3' Nazard (From Chimney Flute) 2' Fifteenth (Extend Gemshorn) 12 " 2' Piccolo 61 " 13/ 5' Seventeenth (TC) 42 " 11/ 3' Nineteenth 54 " 16' Contra Oboe 12 " 8' Oboe 61 " 8' Vox Humana (with Tremulant) 61 " Tremulant Stops under Double Expression† 8' Gamba 61 " 8' Gamba Celeste 61 " 2' Clarion Mixture (IV) 221 " 16' Ophicleide 12 " 8' Tuba 61 " Swell 16' Swell Unison off Swell 4' †High Pressure SOLO (I) Great Solo Stops 8' Open Diapason 8' Harmonic Flute 8' Clarinet Swell Solo Stops 8' Gamba 8' Gamba Celeste 2' Clarion Mixture 16' Ophicleide 8' Tuba Swell Chorus Stops 8' Stopped Diapason 8' Salicional 4' Salicet 22/ 3' Twelfth 2' Fifteenth 11/ 3' Nineteenth 8' Oboe Solo 16' Solo Unison off Solo 4' Chimes PEDAL (Enclosed with Great) 16' Diapason (Wood) 32 Pipes 16' Corno Dolce (Great) 16' Bourdon (Swell) 8' Principal 32 " 8' Flute (Great) 8' Open Diapason (Swell) 8' Stopped Diapason (Swell) 8' Salicional (Swell) 4' Fifteenth 12 " 4' Flute (Great) 16' Ophicleide (Swell) 16' Contra Oboe (Swell) 8' Tuba (Swell) 4' Clarinet (Great) Chimes