Schoenstein Stop Lists

SCHOENSTEIN & CO. Hope Evangelical Lutheran Church Page 1 of 1 91-1983, 91A-1991 HOPE EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH SAN MATEO, CALIFORNIA Two Manual and Pedal Organ 20 Voices – 28 Ranks Electric-Pneumatic Action GREAT (I) 16' Gedeckt (TC - Swell) 8' Principal (Tin) 61 Pipes 8' Flöte (Wood & Metal) 61 " 8' Gemshorn (Swell) 4' Octave 61 " 2' Sifflöte 61 " 1⅓' Mixtur (IV) 244 " 8' Trompete 61 " SWELL (II - Expressive) 8' Gemshorn (Gedeckt Bass) 49 Pipes 8' Gemshorn Celeste (TC) 49 " 8' Gedeckt (Metal) 61 " 4' Principal 61 " 2' Nachthorn 61 " 22/ 3' Sesquialtera (II) 98 " 8' Fagott 61 " Tremulant POSITIV (Floating Division) 8' Rohrflöte (Metal) 61 Pipes 4' Portunal 61 " 2' Principal 61 " 1' Zimbel (III Ranks) 183 " 8' Rohr Schalmei 61 " PEDAL 16' Subbass (Great) 12 Pipes 8' Spitzoctave 32 " 8' Gedeckt (Swell) 4' Choralbass (Pedal) 12 " 2⅔' Rauschmixtur (III) 96 " 16' Kontra Trompete (Great) 12 " 8' Fagott (Swell) 4' Rohr Schalmei (Positiv) COUPLERS Great to Great 4' Swell to Great 8' Swell to Great 4' Positiv to Great 8' Swell to Swell 4' Positiv to Swell 8' Great to Pedal 8' Swell to Pedal 8' Swell to Pedal 4' Positiv to Pedal 8' MECHANICALS Solid State Capture Combination Action: ■ 22 Pistons and toe studs. ■ 2 Reversibles including Full Organ. Crescendo Pedal.